Thursday, November 19, 2020


I get that alleging that there is massive voter fraud, especially in areas like Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia, has been part of the Republican kayfabe for a long while now, but since the Trump campaign's actual lawyers aren't putting on a case that there really is voter fraud, and the cases aren't really going anywhere, doesn't the game plan seem just a liiiiitttttle bit busted? 

I mean, the popular vote margin is in Biden's favor by nearly six million. That's a lot. Biden said he'd beat Trump like a drum and he totally did. What we're looking at right now is pretty much part grift and part smashing all the game pieces in a fit of extremely dangerous and unpatriotic pique. Trump and his enablers went from saying "Make America great again" to being willing to create a sabotage effort against the next government. 

I don't think arguments regarding Trump's "serious path" are even serious. We know the score.

UPDATE: And Trump doesn't have any more business calling around to people about election results than Lindsey Graham does.

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