Monday, February 10, 2020

This is Disturbing

I think we all knew that when it was announced that all investigations of any top level 2020 presidential candidates would have to go through AB Barr, it meant none for Trump (hey, he's a candidate!) and probably any (all) for Democrats. So it's interesting to know that DOJ will be sensitive to the likely foreign disinfo that Giuliani is meaning to shovel their way regarding the Bidens. Sen. Graham has already let us know the Republicans in the Senate were going to do their part, too.

With such willing helpers as these, isn't it nice to reflect that Trump isn't the sort of person who'd have a full-fledged "enemies list" right? (Of course he does.)

UPDATE: After confirming this, Barr skedaddled off, which I wondered about, but then it reminded me of this. He knows what he's doing. He knows you know what he's doing. And he does not care.

1 comment:

CD said...

seems to me we are the only ones still playing the game by a strict interpretation of the Constitution

don't evolve at our own peril?


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