Friday, January 31, 2020

Profiles in Cowardice: The Lamar Alexander Story

So, just to get this straight: Sure, Trump did it, nope, we don't need to hear any more, yep, it was wrong all right, and no, we aren't going to do a damn thing about it.

Well, if he's cool with that being the lead in his obituary and the capper on his legacy, so am I.

UPDATE: Profiles in Cowardice: The Lisa Murkowski Story

And who are you referring to with the word "Congress", ma'am?

UPDATE: Profiles in Cowardice: The Ben Sasse Story

Agreeing with Alexander is one thing, but having nothing to say about whether Trump acted inappropriately says rather a lot.

UPDATE: Rob Portman, Profiles in What One Says When One is Probably Also a Fact Witness

I like the bit about healing wounds--this won't.

UPDATE: Profiles in Cowardice, the Lil' Marco Rubio Story

It's all very well for the House to impeach but....(thud).

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