Friday, November 22, 2019

TWGB: I Want Nothing

"I want nothing, I want nothing, I want no Quid pro Quo." said the Hotel Buddha, signifying Obfuscation. He is the representation of Denial and Bottomless Need.
Trump is supposed to want nothing but to put "America First", but it just hasn't been working out that way. He wants to continue being president until 2024, but there is a problem--he's being impeached right now, because he is very transactional.

One of the things standing in the way of Trump's supposed noble purpose is the impeachment inquiry.  He wants you to believe the "final word" is that he wanted nothing. But this is laughable. In his "perfect call" he clearly wanted a favor.  That isn't nothing.

I think the "nothing" Trump really wants is no damning connection to the plot that obviously benefits no one but himself. He would rather we didn't think about his relationships with Parnas and other people he will disavow on a moment's notice. He'd rather we concentrate on whether Lt. Col Vindman wears his dress uniform to a congressional hearing as if that were not protocol, or whether this or that career foreign policy professional is really a "Never Trumper".  He would prefer people be distracted by irrelevant details and divided by partisanship, than focused on the big picture.

But no one would ever accuse Trump of wanting "nothing". 

He wants loyalty. He wants respect.

He also wants the name of the whistleblower, he still wants an investigation into Hunter Biden, and "proof" that Ukraine really did interfere in the 2016 election. He wants a second term and not to be indicted. He really, really, wants his financial information shielded.

He has never, in the history of his life, wanted nothing. He wants to be believed--but is he believable?

I don't think so.

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