Thursday, November 28, 2019

Stuff I'm Thankful For--

Well, of course, pubs.

If it were up to me, no person representing the Trump Administration would ever know a drink in peace unless they were quietly drinking themselves senseless in their own homes. I've been opposed to any enlarging of the pool of Democratic 2020 hopefuls, but I might make an exception for O'Malley, whom I did have high hopes for the last time.

(But that might just be a me thing. Look, Vixen's heart wants what it wants. I'm just saying. I mean, am I resisting this?)

But in the main, I'm thankful for rudeness and dissent. I'm thankful for the freedom to disagree and even be disagreeable. I'm thankful that, unlike many people around the holidays, I ate a table today where, while there was dissent from the current political climate, we had agreement with one another. I'm thankful for my health and peace of mind, and for my unease and disturbance of conscience. I am thankful for love and acceptance, and I want everyone to have that feeling of belonging. I'm thankful for the world and the environment I love, and I want to preserve it. I'm thankful for my blog as a virtual spleen-vent which has served as my place of thrashing out my thoughts while sharing them with others. My family joked with me about getting a knock from the Secret Service one day.

Yeah, no. I'm thankful we aren't that country, yet, for folks like me. And that's my Thanksgiving wish, for me, and for the pilgrims who need sticking up for, and their dissent and their journey and their desire to seek a new land and breathe free, that we greet them and welcome them to our table. That they too, can unite with their families in fellowship and love. And we all kick child-separating fascists out of our government. The end.

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