Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ann Coulter Gets Paid for Her Political Opinions

I'm posting a screen print because she will delete it eventually, but in the Tweet, she tries to refute the information in @catturd2's Tweet by ALL-CAPS stating Tulsi Gabbard is a SENATOR.

Tulsi Gabbard is not a US Senator. Ann Coulter is...well, extremely Ann Coulter, because she surely doesn't come in any other flavor.


Grung_e_Gene said...

Tulsi is going to run as a 3rd Party candidate.

Vixen Strangely said...

Yeah, at this point I think if Gabbard is saying she isn't planning any such a thing, it's a case of "She doth protest too much". Because in the meanwhile, 8chan/Tucker Carlson/Ann Coulter types want to keep her viable, and she's shopping herself around for donor-viability to No Labels (closet Republicans). It really looks like she's ripe for spoiling.

TWGB: Wheels Within Wheels

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