Thursday, November 2, 2017

Rick Perry May Not Be All that Bright

The idea that light prevents sexual assault is just dumb--hell, people have been sexually assaulted in broad daylight! But to use the already really dumb idea that people don't get assaulted because the lights are on to support a particular industry is, let's face it, insultingly dumb: You fiends! Attacking the righteousness of the fossil fuel industry! Will no one think of the assault victims?

It's making light of a grim damaging reality, I think, because sexual assault happens to be in the news lately.

But hey, politics. It's not like it's nuclear science or anything, right?


Harry Hamid said...

I saw the quote earlier today and it boggled my mind that a person in a position of relative power uttered those words. The whole quote simply doesn't make any sense. If a family member said that, I'd be talking about putting that family member in a home.

Vixen Strangely said...

I feel like he got confused--I mean, a five year old knows Under the Bed Monsters go away when you turn out the lights. So maybe he thought rapists were the same thing. (OMG, so, so, so stupid.)

Gerald Parks said...

OMG and WOW ...Dotard 45 hires the best ....MORONS!

The Shart of the Deal

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