Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Trump's "Jokes" Aren't Funny When They Are Our Lives

It might get a little lost in the midst of Donald Trump Tweeting in favor of the Reagan Era's "One Weird Tax Trick" Pony, Arthur Laffer, or letting out a giant lie about preceding Presidential Administrations relating to how a POTUS communicates his respects to Gold Star families, but a sick "joke" was relayed that reflects how Trump views the point of view of his Vice President, Mike Pence, regarding LGBT people. He is reported to have said:

"Don't ask that guy--he wants to hang them all!"

regarding Mike Pence. The funny/weird thing is, the Vice President that Donald Trump selected actually is pretty seriously anti-gay and has been for a long time. Trump should have been well-aware of that much, and if he had any objection, that could have happened during the campaign--and he could have picked somebody else. The funny/ha-ha part is, there is no part of this that is actually funny/ha-ha. Nope. Even if Trump thinks Pence's anti-LGBT bigotry is really caveman and so last century, because Trump has nonetheless completely bought in.

The evidence?

Well, there is that military trans-ban. He's weakened protections against gay workers.  And he's signaled he is okay about businesses discriminating against LGBT customers--even enshrining bigotry into our Constitution.  His judicial picks have been anti-gay.

At this rate--who the hell is Donald Trump to go picking on Mike Pence for being a virulent homophobe? It's like the pot calling the kettle a thing very much designed for also being a vessel for warming up comestibles.

And take the Values Voters appearance this past weekend.  What an abominable disgrace that was! The attendees at this Christian Conservative shindig are pretty well-described as representing "hate groups".

To think Trump used the Orlando shooting to pretend he would defend LGBT people against the real enemy (Muslims, because hey! a minority he also hates!) then didn't know LGBT people at all except to also be a hated minority.  So he used LGBT people, because he just thinks people exist to be used. (And by the way, Pence and other Religious Right folks are also being used, they just haven't entirely figured out how yet.)

But it's actual people's lives, isn't it? Our jobs, our health care, our marriages, our children. Ha ha. He doesn't care.


Harry Hamid said...

He just wants to remind us of what we get if we kick him out.

Vixen Strangely said...

Pence is bad--his history in Indiana suggests he is every bit the monster I think Trump is, or maybe a more purpose-driven version--but what Trump doesn't seem to get is, his bigotry, whether intentional or cynical, has proven to be no better for being without deep faith to back it up. I have both checked off on my "earthly use for" list as "biodegradable: potentially".

Brewlord said...

I can't think of a microbe that would assist in the breakdown of Trumpence.

Michael Lanning said...

I don't think Pence is even as smart as Drumpf, not that that's saying a lot!

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