Thursday, October 5, 2017

Puerto Rico Is Incognito on FEMA's Website

There's something to be said for the Trump Administration's response to the devastation in Puerto Rico as a result of Hurricane Maria, but FEMA's website does not care to say it. 

FEMA spokesman William Booher noted that both measures are still being reported on a website maintained by the office of Puerto Rican Gov. Ricardo Rosselló, According to that website, which is in Spanish, 9.2 percent of the island now has power and 54.2 percent of residents have access to drinking water. Booher said that these measures are also shared in news conferences and media calls that happen twice a day, but he didn't elaborate on why they are no longer on the main FEMA page.

“Our mission is to support the governor and his response priorities through the unified command structure to help Puerto Ricans recover and return to routines. Information on the stats you are specifically looking for are readily available” on the website maintained by the governor's office, Booher said.

Maybe it's just me, but that sort of seems like the Trump Administration would prefer not to make notice of how slow things are going. See, in Trump's photo op the other day, he was in a place that wasn't as terrifically impacted by the storm, and wasn't really directly confronted with the full extent of the privations these folks were experiencing. I can't 100% say why Trump's response to Puerto Rico's situation was different from how he responded to Hurricane Harvey in TX or Hurricane Irma in FL, but there seems to be a difference. And if there was measurable good being done there by FEMA and other US agencies in the aid effort, I know, that I know, that I know, that Trump would be ready to witness their good deeds, and would be happy to spread that word.

But that is not what is happening. It is almost like FEMA already knows this story is not going to be a great success story regarding government effort, just like Oxfam knows that they need to step in to make sure pressure is put on to ensure government effort is coordinating with NGO relief agencies to do all they can.

I just feel like doing right by Puerto Rico in the first place would have been the best play if the Trump folks were so concerned with appearances. But there I am, giving shits.

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