Saturday, June 10, 2017

This is What I know About the UK Election

So I know I had good feelings in general about the recent election in France, and I generally think it a salutary thing when people show interest in the democratic franchise, so it feel like I might have an opinion about the UK election. However, while I guess it is indicative of something that Labour picked up seats and the Conservative party lost some, I'm not going to pretend I know what that something is, or derive any conclusions from it to apply to US politics, such as forming a takeaway that because Labour made gains (while not forming a majority) this year, meant that Bernie Sanders would have won our election last year, or that somehow, the Conservative party's lost seats are part of a "Trump-lash". Theresa May made some odd choices during the campaign, like not showing up for a debate, and just didn't come across as effective. Putting those things in perspective probably is beyond me as a foreign observer.

The above picture, however, pretty much sums up for me why I am refraining from comment. That Theresa May is standing on a stage with Lord Buckethead and Elmo, is something so, perhaps,  Pythonesque? This lets me know for an actual certainty that I don't get the flavor of UK politics. Because I really can't imagine, say, Trump and Clinton, standing alongside Vermin Supreme in any kind of event. And since we don't have a parliamentary system, the idea of anything like a coalition government because there are more than two parties to work with also seems quite weird. Libertarians, Greens, Socialists, and Constitutionalists are unlikely to get very far in our electoral structure. We just have random independents who caucus one way or another.

Which is not to cast aspersions on either how we do things here, or how they do things there--it's just really different from US politics, and it's all I can do to keep up with them.

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