Sunday, May 14, 2017

Who's Carrying this Torch for the Old South?

I just want to throw this in here because if there is one thing I can not tolerate, it is lazy white people. You make the rest of us look bad. I can't walk around here with my ginger locks and freckles when you grifting bottom-feeding "born this way" signifying white supremacist MF's are carrying a Confederate torch and double-dog daring us to call you racist when you actively hero-worship Jeff Davis and them and support voter ID laws and other Jim Crow-era obviousness, and then act aggrieved when you get called out and try to snap the white race card. Boo hoo, reverse racism--how about trying to assimilate instead of hating? How about realizing you are just another passenger on the Spaceship Earth, okay? Act like you were born to succeed, supremacist, and maybe...

Well, maybe not all of you were born to succeed without white supremacy, but those are the breaks, right?

I especially don't like it when your lily-white affronted fake aggrieved asses chant about Trump, Russia, and "blood and soil"? Did you nick yourself gardening, babycakes? Did you discover ballet? Did you suddenly think the largesse of the large-ass Trump would fall all over you when the piñata of fail is finally broken?

All I know is, things are up to no good when the Klan leaves off their hoods.  And I can't even talk about the new racism hotness when it is just the old racism with a laptop.  And it isn't a wholly Southern experience.  Even in Pennsylvania, and elsewhere.

So I don't feel too abrupt saying that when Trump appoints Kris Kobach to anything, and for an encore goes to segregationist evangelist Liberty Uni to speak about Christian supremacy, I am not surprised.  This is who Trump is--and why those who stick by him fail more and more with me every day because what he is, is crystal clear. He doesn't belong as the leader of a diverse, "E pluribus Unum" country. He is a phenomenon of a party that has welcomed this Confederate/Fascist component, and won't quit it because the votes are there. Even if no morality, democracy, or understanding of egalitarianism would support it.

The US warred against Confederacy and Fascism. I think historically, these were the right positions, even if both strains have their small popularity here at home. The trick is politicking with education and properly shaming racist ignorance wherever it crops up--this is not anti-populism or scaring off rural voters. This is calling a spade a spade. And I am for that call out. People will just have to decide. Gut up, and decide. Which side are you on, son? Which side are you on? The side of your wallet or your skin, your freedom, or your fairytale? Because not all of you can capitalize your lack of melanin into a digital soapbox. And every mother's child has to eat.


Ten Bears said...

Damn, you go girl.

I am of the conviction Confederates, and NAZIs are traitors. Enemies of the American People, enemies of the American Way of Life, and if not taken out behind the barn and summarily executed rounded up, stuffed in cattle-cats and escorted, at gunpoint if need be, to a reservation somewhere out in the hinterlands. Preferably Mars, or the moons of Neptune.

Burn the flag? Hell yeah, the Confederate flag.

VigiliusH said...

I live in New Orleans and the relevant message thread in the local paper is just too painful to read. First they said, "Oh the money would be better spent on road maintenance," which sort of sidesteps the issue in a way that makes it sound like they don't care when they do. Then when it came to light that the money was donated they shifted seamlessly to, "Oh it's just out-of-state people making us do this." And then they go on to say, "I've never heard of anyone having a problem with those statues," but I answer and say I have a problem with them and so do a majority of the people in Orleans Parish. Then they act like they didn't even hear me and move on to "But they are taking our history from us." By this time I am tired of talking about it, I know they will move on to the next item in their endless cycle of no-I-am-not-racist-and- greatgrandad-was-a-hero BS

VigiliusH said...

I live in New Orleans and the relevant message thread in the local paper is just too painful to read. First they said, "Oh the money would be better spent on road maintenance," which sort of sidesteps the issue in a way that makes it sound like they don't care when they do. Then when it came to light that the money was donated they shifted seamlessly to, "Oh it's just out-of-state people making us do this." And then they go on to say, "I've never heard of anyone having a problem with those statues," but I answer and say I have a problem with them and so do a majority of the people in Orleans Parish. Then they act like they didn't even hear me and move on to "But they are taking our history from us." By this time I am tired of talking about it, I know whatever else I say they will move on to the next item in their endless cycle of no-I-am-not-racist-and- greatgrandad-was-a-hero BS

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