Sunday, April 13, 2014

Still Being A Pimp.

I think it has been a hard week for Young James at the pimping game. He has not yet understood that pimping has to be non-egregious and if not beneficial, at least, be nontoxic to the communities it services. But he is not adept at following the simple rules of conscious pimping, Apparently.

So, let's talk about Veritas acting like a gun for hire to get an inconvenient pol (GOP) out of the way.  That is pretty interesting. Making intraparty hits could either be seen as an act of integrity, or, an in-house drive-by. That's only a little sketchy though.

But here's a slam by a Texas court over some pretend journalism trying to prove some voter fraud:

The judge dismissed a complaint that arose from an incendiary video made by O’Keefe’s organization, which purported to show illegal activity by Battleground Texas, a Democratic group that’s working to register Texans to vote. The judge acted after investigators derided the video as “little more than a canard and political disinformation.” 
The news is a win for those looking to expand access to the ballot in the Lone Star State—and for state Sen. Wendy Davis, a Democratic candidate for governor there.

It's like people are seeing right though him! That pimp suit doesn't only fit the B-roll of Young James' ACORN hit piece. His life is about pimping.

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