Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I'm not even really outraged by the Breitbartlets anymore.

Deep down, I guess this doesn't really jerk either of my liberal knees. The idea behind Photoshopping former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's head on Miley Cyrus' body has a pretty clear editorial intent with which I disagree, but then again, I disagree with the Breitbart folks in principle and practice and renounce all their works pretty much all the time.

This genuinely looks to me like a bid for attention and a kind of deliberate poking of the liberal bull in the hopes of getting a figurative goring. It's pretty poplar with the kind of people who might be attracted to the work-product of the Breitbart Team to feel like they are transgressing the liberaltariat political correctness regime, or some such thing. I dunno. The ad is kind of a classic projection of sexist tropes about female submissiveness/whorishness which strikes me as being about as edgy as safety scissors, but meh. Yeah, whatever. We see you.

Tabloids Photoshop pretend-shocking shit all the time. I just can't get it up for this.


Grung_e_Gene said...

Conservative "ideology" is riddled with mean-spirited vileness.

The get their jollies by being outrageous and imagining Liberals heads exploding.

Then if there is an outcry from anyone (media or on-line community) they retreat to the why didn't you demand aplogoies from Liberals for xyz and the left said worse about Bush or I thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant and so on.

The best response is to not let it upset you, document their continuing love of Intolerance and Oppression against minorities, women, the LGBT community, progressives et al and continue to call them racist and sexist.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Authoritarians really can't do edgy and subversive, being authoritarians.

This sort of sexism is as old as Sumeria.

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