Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What is Donald Rumsfeld--an Untrained Ape?

I'd care what Donald Rumsfeld has to say about whether the Obama Administration should be able to obtain a SOFA with Afghanistan (really--a "trained ape"could?) but he is not actually a person whose opinion can be trusted.  Obama and anyone associated with him have to be belittled by the man because Rumsfeld and his lot were not competent to do things--and if they weren't, who even could be? But as it was, the Bush Administration in 2008 had obtained the SOFA with Iraq that resulted in the ultimate withdrawal from Iraq by the end of 2011.

This notably did not happen while Donald Rumsfeld was SecDef, and possibly would not have. It is notable, after all, that the plan under which both the Afghan and Iraq campaigns were waged were a departure from the Powell Doctrine that made a quick work of the original Gulf War. But I think it was apparent that the idea of a quick job never was in the offing for either front of the GWOT. The Rumsfeld Doctrine was about reducing the number of forces in a theatre and thus, reducing the amount of supplies needed. Except something went bad there. It was cost-effective on paper, but it's really weird what a money and time suck those logistics were when put into play.

By the time the miserable manager who so blew mission discipline that things like Abu Ghraib or the Fallujah Massacre (hm--how did we get so reliant on contractors?) were just more kicks in the teeth to a military that was doing the very best it could with what it was given--and still couldn't live up to the bullshit promises made was basically fired, he should have realized that his life really reached the pinnacle of its arc when he was covering up studies on artificial sweeteners that showed they might be toxic so that he could get them sold as health food. He is, at heart, a salesman--not the most honest sort.

But as the poet said, there is some shit one will not eat. Therefore, I am not at all interested in any shit from Don Rumsfeld. Maybe some people think it tastes good--but I think it's probably toxic.

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