Saturday, March 1, 2014

I Think I am Getting the Hang of this Foreign Policy Commentary

In the attempt to seem at least somewhat well-informed in discussion of the apparent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, I have been reading up on others' opinions, and find it makes sense (to me, anyway) that there wasn't much we could have done to stop it (re: Kaplan--economic consequences are consequences, too), there isn't much we can do about it, and there isn't anything the US necessarily needs to do, anyway.

I think the whole "should Obama seem to be doing more" thing is a kind of quien es mas macho deal, which has weirdly left some hawkish people on Twitter tweeting pictures comparing Obama's mom-jeans bike attire to Putin's bare-chested rifle-fondling. I dunno. Some of the tiger-wrestling, gay-bashing, country-invading stuff just seems like overcompensating for something.

So, what with the futility and uncertainty and all, there's no reason not to critique Obama's 90-minute phone call with Vladimir Putin. Not over what he said, but whether he should have worn jeans in the Oval Office because I give up. Apparently I still do not have a grasp on this foreign policy thing.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Clearly you haven't been reading enough Jenghazi Rubin (Who Lost the Ukraine, she screeched!).

Also, about that phone call...

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