Saturday, March 8, 2014

CPAC 2014: McConnell with a Gun: Palin with a Book

I don't know how the conversation got on whether McConnell was holding a gun properly, but I will say Sarah Palin is holding the book the right way! No, really, she was funny. I found different parts funny from what her audience did. 

General conversation topic: the modern conservative movement is neither modern, nor conservative, nor a movement. 

Also, people don't use or want insurance? Wow. I did not know people didn't get sick or injured. Huh. And yes, someone pays. With Obamacare, we actually pay less. But why should people who are able to be responsible and pay for insurance take care of themselves? And why don't we think people should be cared for? Does she resent the idea that nothing is free--because seriously? Liberals aren't unaware of the idea that nothing's free. We don't all have oil companies giving dividends to most of our states to make up for what we can't afford and stuff though, so...

And she took my mind off of how the Tea Party was an intellectual movement. So there's that.  

Anyways, I'm busy shining up the boot that will...whatever. I recognize the words, but sometimes I don't understand the language.

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