Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Welp--Shit Just Got Real for Sen. McConnell. I Guess.

So, let's pretend you leaned conservative but weren't up on current events and did not know how today's vote on the debt limit went--and then you saw this ad:

Pretty harsh right? It's like the Matt Bevin campaign* is calling Sen. Mitch McConnell a big government liberal bully based on his previous votes and his (understandable?) attempts to hold on to his Senate seat. But if you combine it with a vote today in favor of raising the debt limit, which he might not have had to do, but was maneuvered into by Sen. Ted Cruz' filibuster, it really is fascinating. 

It's like Bevin saw this coming, or something.

There probably is a way to combat this type of ad by explaining why raising the debt ceiling is a necessary evil, but McConnell's having played this game before with the debt ceiling himself, that explanation might be difficult. Also, there is an adage that runs "If you are explaining, you are losing."

I'm not that much in favor of seeing Bevin going up against Grimes since his poll numbers are stronger than McConnell's, but there is a just a little schadenfreude in this I can't help but express.

(Actually, the Senate Conservatives' Fund. Which is more, um. You know.)

The First Longest Day

Some people will look at the above video and assume that the Ketamine Cowboy was just feeling very patriotic regarding the installation of h...