Sunday, February 23, 2014

It's the Pirate Ship that Does it For Me.

The failure to thrive of the economy in Ukraine is no small part of the unrest taking place there, and I will admit, I really haven't followed Ukrainian politics very closely. But I would say that it really does look to me like this President Viktor Yanukovych wasn't even trying to keep his ass from looking shady, because he was practically living in a theme park called "Shady Dictatorland."  I think the big old pirate galleon-looking thing is kind of...apt, in a way, isn't it?

The question then being, well, how is this guy surrounding himself with vintage autos and peacocks and whatnot?--and the answer looks like: pure shadiness.

And what of released political prisoner Yulia Tymoshenko? I don't even know.  I wish the Ukrainian people luck at getting legitimate government, as opposed to a mobbed-up griftocracy.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I wish the Ukrainian people luck at getting legitimate government, as opposed to a mobbed-up griftocracy.

I wish we had one here, too.

Vixen Strangely said...

To be fair, though, our corrupt government has the decency to mostly not rub the wealth of the 1%-ers directly in our faces. Usually.

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