Saturday, September 28, 2013

Your analogy--it is bad.

In another attempt to waste the taxpayers' time by making the CR conditional so that all the Tea Party kids will play along, the new hotness is not defunding but delaying implementation of the ACA for a year and repealing the medical device tax.

In other words, they really want to shut down the government. But Rep. John Culberson of TX made a somewhat inapt statement regarding this particular vote:

"The whole room: 'Let's vote!'" Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) told reporters, according toMSNBC. "I said, like 9/11, 'let's roll!'" (The congressman was referring to the last words of a passenger aboard a flight that was hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001 and crashed in Pennsylvania.) 
The Senate is not scheduled to be in session until Monday afternoon. The White House has repeatedly said Obama will veto any legislation that delays or defunds Obamacare.
Leaving aside whether a 9/11 reference is usually gratuitous, because, feh, but isn't it particularly cretinous to act as if the GOP is portraying the heroes standing up to terror when they are being hostage takers holding up government to satisfy a tantrum they have about, basically, lower-income Americans affording health care coverage?  Because actually, a few thousand people die every year because they did not have health care coverage. know, that is going to also happen if the ACA is delayed a year?

What I'm saying is, there is no valid way to follow out that analogy.  Words fail.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

but isn't it particularly cretinous to act as if the GOP is portraying the heroes standing up to terror


BRUVS and That

  In a time when the US can have an adjudicated sex pest and 34-count felon on deck to be sworn into our highest office, there's really ...