Friday, December 21, 2012

John Boehner is a Funny Duck, Isn't He?

This was the Speaker of Nothing on Wednesday knowing he doesn't have the votes to get shit done:

Huh.  It's Obama's fault that Boehner can't get the votes to do shit.  So what happened on Thursday?

Well, he tried to get his guys to vote on a "Plan B" that was stuffed with things they should have liked.  And they said "No."  Santa Boehner promised them a Christmas Tree, and didn't get any cookies and milk in return. Thankless, this being Speaker of the House business.  Is there any answer to his Yuletide dilemma, besides "ho,ho,ho"? his way out of it, and try to make the deal a) sweeter to his non-coalition (tick tock) and b) totally unacceptable to the House Dems, the Senate, and the White House, completely revealing who is the problem around here? (And that's actually probably his best choice if he likes this job?)

Or should he just toss the whole thing in the fuck-it-bucket with some ice and prosecco, say "shaft the speakership", and let Obama deal with a new congress, (which I bet Obama already has plans to do)? (That would be an excellent "Take this job and shove it" option, and ideal in the face of what looks like a "non-confidence" vote.)

The sad thing was, Boehner's gambit actually was a bid to get some leverage by saying he could get something done--if the White House and Senate would just work with what the House agreed to. Not getting that, his road ahead looks pretty rugged. It looks even crappier if one paid attention to his very short Wednesday presser.

(X-Posted at Rumproast.)

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I have a feeling that Eric Cantor is going to shank Boehner as soon as the Christmas recess is over.

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