Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Maddow: At 2:30 in--you'll holler Re: Military Spending

That level of spending is stupid and won't "keep us safe" in the way that having people in charge who know what the hell they are doing will.

Romney does not know what he's talking about. He thinks if you throw money at the defense budget and simply offer "no apologies", other countries and groups will think we're just badass and leave us alone. You know who spent a lot on Cold War spending and talked tough? GOP patron saint Ronnie Raygun, and Poppy Bush, ex-CIA chief, was a tough-talking son of a gun, too.  So how about those attacks upon our diplomatic stations abroad?

Right. Even during the GWOT, we didn't experience the same siege like we saw under Reagan and Bush. The answer has always been to do intelligence better--smarter, not pre-emptively or precipitously.  Just, get smart.

With respect to Romney's bizarre idea that Russia is our greatest geopolitical threat (recalling the Cold War)--um, no. He's not even going to throw money at real problems.

This is a conservative? This is a businessman who knows where to invest?  Bullshit.  This is a guy who got told to pimp neoconservatism if he wanted to win the GOP base. Otherwise, he has nothin'. He'd rather be president than be right.

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

It's pretty scary that this guy is running for president as a vanity project.

Remarkable! Or, The Perpetual Trump Gluteal Osculation Machine

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