Friday, March 16, 2012

My Governor Is A Space Cadet

I need to complain about my state's governor for a moment.  I live in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and my governor is Tom Corbett. He's not worse than, oh, Rick Scott, Scott Walker, or Rick Snyder. He's not better.  He's just different. He's what they call a "Tea Party favorite", which means stupid as hell.  So's a bunch of my state's legislature. Lately they've been stupiding it up, and have passed some real jackass bills, like some damn dumb voter ID thing that will not either increase voter turn-out, even though my dumb governor says it would. Does he know better?

I allege he may not. He seems kind of stupid. After all, he was the Attorney General here who dragged his feet over the whole Sandusky investigation, and who is reluctant about taxing energy companies who want to do fracking here.  That last one annoys my mom no end. She always says "So? If the energy companies don't like paying taxes, what should they do--go where the natural gas isn't?  And he also seems to avoid interviews.  Sometimes he gets caught out though--like here, talking about the recently-tabled, but still-pretty-horrible ultrasound bill proposed here.

QUESTION: Making them watch…does that go too far in your mind?
CORBETT: I’m not making anybody watch, OK. Because you just have to close your eyes. As long as it’s on the exterior and not the interior.
To translate--if you are having the transabdominal ultrasound, you don't have to look, and there's the extent of your problems.  Except for having it explained to you, and hearing the heartbeat, and paying for it. Even he is aware that if you have the "interior"(transvaginal) one, closing your eyes really won't do much for you. And the interior one? Is the one women would be having if their pregnancy was early enough for the embryo to be too small for a viewing with the transabdominal ultrasound--which accounts for most of the procedures women actually request.  "Just close your eyes."  Damn. That isn't quite enough for everyone who would be effected by this bill. I also don't appreciate him giving the misogynists further ideas--next, they'll be propping  women's eyelids open through the ordeal to make them watch.  After all, the PA bill has the Orwellian name of "Women's Right to Know Act". Because the legislature believes it has the Right to Let Women Know who controls their bodies. Otherwise, it couldn't be because women might think that they have anything in their uteri but a developing fetus. One never suspects one's uterus, for example, as being a repository of stray socks, dead letters, or the expletively-Oedipal remote control.

Anyway, what he said was terribly clueless and just like a Tea Party-jackass-government-small-enough-to-fit -in your my -lady-parts-type would say.  I rather wish we had recall here--because that was not okay. Actually, it was pretty horrid--he didn't quite understand what the bill would do, what it meant to the people who it would be done unto, and why they might even mind.

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

That's horrible- our gov, Andrew Cuomo sure as hell isn't the burning sword of liberalism that his father was, but at least his knuckles don't scrape the ground.

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