Monday, March 26, 2012

I am not even buying this Terms of Endearment thing.


Hey, what's up, my fucking goons?

Huh?  Is that language supposed to be in any way endearing?

Yeah. When I take that language out for a walk, it doesn't play tricks, it just pees up a tree and tries to bite a neighbor. That wasn't any kind of term of endearment. George Zimmerman was looking for a target--a possible bad guy--an asshole. A "goon" would do nicely.

I don't care who is trotted out as a spokesperson for this guy now that I've heard the 911 tape. I don't have interest in the so-called eyewitness who says lean Trayvon Martin, armed with his Skittles and 140 lbs of fury, tried to fight a guy who outweighed him by a hundred pounds and had a gun. I think people who want to play around about what he looked like that day are missing the whole point--

He wasn't doing a damn thing but walking down the street.  George Zimmerman, then and there, didn't have a hundred hours worth of scouring the web and Facebook and all trying to find an image of this young man he could  take offense at--he shot him just as he was.  Without knowing he was on suspension from school for whatever reason.  Without seeing him do anything especially suspicious besides walking down the street.

None of that shit matters.   This isn't even strictly about race on Zimmerman's part--he shot a person. That should have been enough to warrant an investigation. And anything Trayvon Martin ever did in his short life is irrelevant to that. I can't see why there are people out there digging to figure out a way that he "deserved it".

All George Zimmerman had to go on was this young man being on the same street as himself. Against the suggestion of the 911 dispatcher, he took it on himself to engage with a stranger who wasn't doing anything. He was without a badge or training or a point.  He just had a gun and he used it.  I don't even think it matters that his nose got broken--if he got in some random stranger's face for no good reason, maybe he had a poke coming.  Was he threatened by the possibility of getting his ass justifiably whipped when he fucking started it by getting out of the vehicle and accosting this kid? Why was Trayvon's body face down? How does Zimmerman's story account for that?


Acquaintances said Zimmerman cried that night. I hope he cried. He should have cried for that young man's life that he wasted. But I wouldn't be surprised if he was crying for himself. I'm not interested in crying for him, though. I'm just interested in an arrest and a trial.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I don't even think it matters that his nose got broken--if he got in some random stranger's face for no good reason, maybe he had a poke coming. Was he threatened by the possibility of getting his ass justifiably whipped when he fucking started it by getting out of the vehicle and accosting this kid?

The right wingers are really acting in bizarre fashion, and their cognitive dissonance is so thick you can cut it with a knife- let's get this straight, creepy Zimmerman stalks and accosts Trayvon, who starts defending himself with his fists, then Zimmerman shoots Trayvon. Trayvon should have fled from Zimmerman, yet Zimmerman had no need to flee from Trayvon? I'd say that was pretzel logic, but the term "pretzel logic" doesn't do this any justice... it's more like "plate of spaghetti" logic.

They are so willing to defend the "stand your ground" laws, that they are actually alienating anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

Vixen Strangely said...

By virtue of having a gun, Zimmerman had purchased his right to stand his ground, which Trayvon had yet to earn: I think is one way of looking at it. In other words, one has all the freedom one can buy (see: freedom of speech, "I paid for this microphone"). What has been especially off-putting to me is that the display of trotting out "ways this is not about race" has neatly covered all the ground of racist things. (Stereotypes! Black friends! "Not a racist but--!" And on and on.) My point is, eliminate race and this is quite simply "a guy killed a young man for no good reason, the end". It's only the race issue that is making the gobshites defend it. And that's sick.

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