Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Anti-choicers believe the silliest things--

In utterly silly news from the forced-birth crowd, LA Rep. John Fleming (R-eally Gullible) was caught out actually briefly thinking that a months'old article from the satirical The Onion was an actual real thing in this world. 

But on second thought, this isn't really all that silly. By which I mean--very real anti-choicers believe actual silly stuff about Planned Parenthood and the pro-choice movement all the time. I don't really understand why they do--but let's be straight about this: they totally do.

If we take a look at the Komenamerung saga, it turns out that some of the commenters about this issue and Planned Parenthood altogether believe in two seriously dumb hoax "investigations" from Lila Rose of Live Action.  One has to do with mammograms--which only a couple of PP facilities can do, but which most have to refer out (but which always was stated in PP literature).  The other has to do with a bizarre made-up underage sex-slavery scheme, which existed nowhere but in the odd anti-choice world of folks like Lila Rose. These Lila Rose-eries have been pimped by people like Abby Johnson, herself being kind of a walking anti-choicer stuntwoman.

But let's take a  look at some tangential fictions, even: just recently, an OK State Senator put out a bill to try to stop use of fetuses as food. And even one GOP presidential hopeful is still convinced by the apocryphal link between abortion and breast cancer. It starts to appear that in the culture war, factual statements are the first casualty.  When lies about abortion also involve threats of racial genocide and Social Security insolvency, for example, something has to give.  And what should give is these liars--they should step aside, and let people look at the truth about reproductive health, and in fact, all health care in this society, especially for lower-income people.  And they should look at what PP has really done to reduce abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies.

That is to say, if these people can handle the truth. If someone can gently and slowly explain it to them.

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