Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Walker Recall Drive Gets Over One Million Signatures

The peteitions have finally been rounded up and submitted in the bid to recall Scott Walker (R-etrograde corporatist lackey), and the total is mighty impressive: the figure is said to be over a million, already pre-sorted for duplicates and general fuckery.  This is large compared to the original vote.

This is a pretty big deal.  What it demonstrates is that grass-roots support and organization can pull off big things. What it should also suggest is that outside big money still doesn't take the place of bodies--maybe Walker can raise some big money--but will it translate to votes? Also important, will signatures translate to votes against?

We will have to see.  But this has been a very promising sign about what regular people can accomplish regarding their representation when they feel it has not been truly representative. And also, this is an example that might be followed in other states--some may work their own recall processes; some states may be encouraged to try to legislate such a process. And I think this is a good thing. If a candidate isn't what you expected once they get in office, maybe it is a good plan that they be "returned" for a better exchange. If you can do it with shoes--why not with a governor?

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