Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Story of the NH Primaries: Huntsman comes in Third

I've been leaving poor Jon Huntsman alone because he hadn't really bothered me before. But then he gave this answer to a question from David Corn of MoJo, and now I'm like, screw him. Obama appointed him for a job, the guy could have waited until 2016 (when he'd have probably had a better shot anyway) but noooo.

The story is: Huntsman blew off Iowa to concentrate on NH, and still only got a trailing third place. He is now going on to SC, where polls have him behind noted comedy person Stephen Colbert. I not only don't like his chances this year, I'm also thinking he might want to put away ideas about 2016. The GOP primaries get behind the "next in line", and that won't be him.

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