Thursday, January 5, 2012

President Obama Takes Care of Business, and Labor, and Consumers

President Obama took advantage of a Congressional recess to appoint Robert Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as well as making three other appointments to the National Labor Relations Board. Although there has been some squawking from the usual suspects, I wonder how big a fuss they mean to make over it--after all "We obstructed filling these positions fair and square!" and "Who cares about protecting consumers or labor relations, anyway?" probably aren't the strongest arguments to be heard right about now.  It's not like recess appointments aren't ever made, and Obama actually has made comparatively few. The claim that Congress wasn't really in recess as a result of a little legislative trick isn't going to help them when the point was being obstructionist in the first place; it makes the GOP leadership look like they started it--because they did!

Good for President Obama. When bipartisanship has broken down, you still have to get things done.

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