Friday, January 13, 2012

How Bullshit is Everything--Luntz on Defending Capitalism: "Don't"

What with the Occupy "scaring him to death" and the assault on "vulture capitalism" coming from Gingrich and Perry regarding Mitt Romney's Bain history--is "capitalism" going to be a dirty word to conservatives according to Frank Luntz?

Hear what he's saying at this point:

Conservatives should not be defending capitalism. They should be defending economic freedom. And there is a difference. The word "capitalism" was created by Karl Marx to demonize those people who make a profit. We’ve always talked about the free enterprise system or economic freedom. Suddenly, they’re trying to defend something that has only 18 percent support

We have always been at war with capitalism. We just want to be free to profit off of anything ever

I'm not sure how well this will work.  The argument isn't against capitalism per se, just certain egregious practices that result in people not, for example, getting a fair day's wage for a full day's work, or for the value of workers being so discounted that they are considered disposable, as well as the communities in which they live, or where businesses used to be an anchor for jobs and economic security but no longer have any ties to the community and are flight risks. Working people like profitable businesses and we like the jobs they make--we don't like when they are off-shored leaving us and our communities high and dry.

I don't think that needs spin--just the truth. But in Luntz-land, we can't handle the truth.

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