Monday, December 26, 2011

Wow. I think we've seen Peak Ron Paul.

Every time I checked in on the internet today, there was some new information about Ron Paul.  What amazes me is, all of this stuff for the most part has been out there for awhile, and although Reason covered it four years ago--well, I guess Ron Paul was never really considered as much of a contender as he is right now. Or, probably, was, like, days ago. So it's only now that everything gets rounded up, whereas before, it was only occasionally that some media types would even bother checking up on Ron's World.

I think this post from former staffer Eric Dondero, though, is the most--how do I put this? Entertaining. It's framed like a defense of his former boss against charges of being racist and homophobic, while giving glimpses of really racist and homophobic attitudes. Insights like Paul being "most certainly intolerant of Spanish and those who speak strictly Spanish in his presence" and being unwilling to use the bathroom in a gay person's home just sound so ignorant, but fold in nicely with the image we already have of Ron Paul as the person who either wrote or approved of the person who wrote about a gay/government conspiracy regarding AIDS, or who in 2008 had this kind of alarmist crap as his message on immigration.

This recent pile-on gives me a particular satisfaction for a specific reason:  Paulites (I can not bring myself to accept the ablist term, "Paultards") put themselves in front of cameras at Occupy sites, as if maintaining that Paul and Occupy had things in common.  Paul wants to hew away at the government in ways that would empower the 1% even more. There would be no EPA standing between you and mercury in your fish, water, or anything else; asbestos in your breakfast cereal; or whatever the hell else businesses could get away with. And he's a dumb naive cluck if he thinks consumers can fix the inequality themselves.  Government should serve the people--it isn't the problem so much as people have tried to use it to make imperfect solutions. It isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean it should be done away with. 

And there would be no one standing up for the equal protection of minorities in a Paul government. That's a major unremedied bit of inequality right there.

And don't get me started on his denial of a woman's right to choose

I will reiterate that I do not understand how any intelligent person can support this guy.

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