Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Santorum has Name-Herpes, tries to use kissing toilet seat to correct it.

Rick Santorum has a Google Problem regarding his name. In fact, if you don't just even type "Santorum" into the Google search engine, but the much more benign "Google problem" you get links to Santorum's "Google Problem".  To wit:  Rick Santorum made the asinine mistake of getting on the wrong side of very net-savvy sex-columnist activist, one Dan Savage.   This one Dan Savage held a contest to transform Rick Santorum's name into a gay-sex related epithet.  And actually, it isn't really even an epithet.  The frothy mixture of lubricant, fecal matter, and semen that results from anal intercourse is just a fact of anal intercourse, and isn't really even all that repellant--unless one is really a gosh-darn homophobe, which Rick Santorum actually, admittedly, repeatedly, unabashedly, ad nauseam, is.

He has brought up this problem of his before. Bringing it up again, as he has,  will only bring all clicks back to the same, terrible place.  For some reason, bloggers reporting on the subject just keep linking and relinking back there--it's as if a whole corner of the internet really had it out (hur hur hurm had it out) for Rick Santorum.

Well I sure do. But was it anything he said?  Oh, yes. It so was! Good luck with that, fella!

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