Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pawlenty and Cain: Better Campaiging through Nonsense.

Former MN Gov. Tim Pawlenty wants voters to associate him with what he's calling "A Better Deal".

Oh, wait. I'm not cutting and pasting this. Just go to the link, and you'll see where Pawlenty is proposing a plan that will drastically cut the revenues of the US government and raise the costs of services to everybody (but disproportionately the needy, amirite?) by privatizing everything.  He thinks this will spur growth. I think this will spur growth alright--of the federal debt! Also, too, increase income disparity at an even faster rate.  It's kind of the most horrible proposals all crammed together with a hastily drawn crayon sign pasted on reading:

"See? BETTER". 

I find it hard to believe he's seriously putting this out there as a real economic vision--does he have economics advisors at all? Or does he just listen to guys dressed up as Founding Fathers?

But peculiarly Tea Party nonsensical and odd as Pawlenty's economic plan appears to be,  I think Herman Cain has him beat--

He's promising not to sign any bill longer than three pages.

Three pages.  That's a good size for a pizzeria menu.  It is a ridiculously small size for a congressional bill.  But he got a lot of applause when he said it, and that's what counts!


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