Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Former Senator, Rick Santorum--has opinions about seniors.

He totally does.

He's willing to go on record for the following:

SANTORUM: My big argument with Paul Ryan is that he doesn’t apply a lot of these programs to the current generation of seniors, or those who are at or near retirement. And I think that presupposes that a lot of those current seniors don’t want to participate in the economic solvency of our country. Don’t want to participate in saving our country. I think that’s wrong. I think most seniors –- certainly those that can afford to –- are more than willing to do their fair  share to solve the problem."

When  Santorum announced he was forming an exploratory committee to decide whether to run for president in 2012, some bloggers saw an opportunity to rehash Santorum's "greatest hits" and compile quotes of his being...well, horrible. And their research pulled up a festival of awfulness. But really, he makes fresh, hot, piping bowls of stupid and awful on a near-daily basis.

Um, I think it's safe to presume that people who will be managing on fixed incomes don't need or want another huge expense that they might not be able to afford, which impacts their ability to get treatment that preserves their lives. I think that's what we'd call a pretty safe presumption.  And yeah--the ones who can afford it might agree with Santorum, but you know what? Mostly we're going to find seniors that can't and wouldn't agree with him.  Many politicians know this, including Rep. Ryan, who may be reptilian, but isn't a buffoon (unlike Santorum, who can easily be both)--which is why his proposal doesn't whack the current generation of seniors--that's what we'd call political suicide!  But you know what's worse?

He presumes to speak for older people as being happy to sacrifice for, allegedly, their kids' and grandkids' future,but in reality, those same people would probably become dependent on their kids and grandkids for assisstance--as in, directly!  Because in the real world, human beings would give a damn about their parents or grandparents and want to see them be in good health in their old age! I dunno, basic human decency or something!  And it would cost them a lot in their personal budgets, effecting them far more directly than the budget deficit does. I dunno--something to do with economics, I think!   Because really, I can imagine people who are putting their kids through college and helping their parents' with their medical expenses would find their dollars good and stretched to the point of transparent--as in they wouldn't even see their money any more!

What a dumbass.

1 comment:

Al Tecacca said...

I am glad to see some else 'celebrates' our former Senator.

Al Tecacca

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