Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wow, I hope they had fun at the "Hater Prom", then.

Via The Advocate:

To avoid Constance McMillen bringing a female date to her prom, the teen was sent to a "fake prom" while the rest of her class partied at a secret location at an event organized by parents.

McMillen tells The Advocate that a parent-organized prom happened behind her back — she and her date were sent to a Friday night event at a country club in Fulton, Miss., that attracted only five other students. Her school principal and teachers served as chaperones, but clearly there wasn't much to keep an eye on.


Two students with learning difficulties were among the seven people at the country club event, McMillen recalls. "They had the time of their lives," McMillen says. "That's the one good thing that come out of this, [these kids] didn't have to worry about people making fun of them [at their prom]."

It seems like some people aren't happy unless they get their opportunity to single out others. But I note that it wasn't just Constance and her date that were singled out, but some youngsters with learning disabilities, too, which kind of makes it seem less like the parents of the other students and the district officials who helped pull this off wanted to single out someone for something they saw as immoral, and maybe a little more like it felt good to them to single people out. And that is not a very nice character trait.

Via Joe.My.God., here's a pic from the Hater Prom as found on Facebook of the "normal kids" having a nice time:

Now I don't want to be too hard on the kids who are having a good time and doing what HS seniors normally do--I was a teenager once, and I remember what peer pressure was like. But I also remember what being an unpopular kid was like, too. And if they don't quite get why this was the wrong way for things to be handled, now, I want to think they will get it, some day.

Some people actually do grow up and figure out how to live with all kinds of people and even make friends with them and find common ground. I think a few too many adults in Itawamba County did not.

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