Thursday, April 29, 2010

This might be the best graduation evah!

This is a video you've probably seen elsewhere, but hell, I'm a mean atheist-person and I don't mind showing off the odd religiosity-centered train-wreck. This is a girl who I think just got way too into it giving an invocation....and then spazzing:

It was a little cuckoo from the point of view of many unbelievers, scoffers, and mockers that I have already seen commenting regarding this poor child. But there are some fundamentalist, especially Pentecostal, churches, where they would say, "That girl just got touched with the spirit." Why, they'd be a little jealous that the spirit never threw them like that, either. Which is why I don't think she's nutty--

She could be having a religious experience of sorts. If she's seen people get carried away with their prayerful intensity before, why not spasm and collapse?

But the outright diss on the worship of the intellectual mind--baby, these people just paid for four years of education and you go and pee on it? That's not right. Maybe if her invocation was focused on the intellectual mind a bit more, she could have stayed upright.

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