Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lt Col Terrence Lakin faces court martial for being stupid.

This is the manifesto of a man who knows what he is walking into, but doesn't seem to know why:

H/T to TPM.

"Signed, original birth certificate." My mom probably has a yellowish, wrinkly bit of paper, signed in the crisp ink of a new Bic in a hospital that I think is now a pay parking lot, that would prove my birth on American soil. Unless we lost it. And I was only born in 1972, and I know that paper looked beat the last time I saw it a decade ago--or something?

And it wouldn't do me any good if I had it. I remember when I got my drivers' license, the DMV wanted my official birth certificate with raised seal--not the thing my mom got when I was born. You know, the state-issued one from PA Vital Statistics, just like the Certification of Live Birth from Hawaii that Obama has already released. And a Social Security card--which you need to pretty much get a job anywhere, these days, right? You know, because of Social Security taxes?

So, follow me here. He's got a certificate on file with Vital Records in Hawaii and has issued an official document, which probably had to be legit, because he wasn't even a state senator in Illinois when he needed to do such things as, I dunno, be registered for Punahou School, or when he got his first learners' permit, or passport, and all that. It totally would have come up if he didn't have those things. Like, well before he decided to run for the US Senate--before he had any kind of pull in the world.

Or, given that there was a birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser back in 1961, he had to have had the ambition to become President and considerable pull while he was still in diapers.

And Lt Col Lakin's "proofiness" of Obama's not being born in the US--let me guess, "rumors on the Internets"? Because Lakin is the one making the claim--it's not up to Obama to prove, well, diddly.

But appreciate the imagination one needs to have to imagine a global conspiracy where everyone in the United States was soooooo besotted with the easy, charming grin and winning personality of a gifted politician, that nobody noticed he wasn't actually a citizen except for astute, and by the way, completely not batshit insane people like Orly Taitz and Alan Keyes.

Please really, I hope that imagination serves the Lt. Colonel well while he's picturing his Leavenworth vacation....

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