Tuesday, March 23, 2010

OH. A thing that happened--Health Care Legislation passed:

Much props to Nancy Pelosi--who did a lot of the work that made this possible:

She will definitely be seen as a hero about this.

By the by--this is bigger than anything that ever happened under Newt Gingrich, recently heard complaining that the Civil Rights bill killed the Democratic party--yep-- (But totally as a sidebar--wasn't the Civil Rights struggle entirely correct? Is he saying it's better to be morally wrong than be politically correct? Is he implying that desegregation was wrong? Or any other presently unpopular thing that legally became our way of life? And doesn't he recognize that very few African-Americans see fit to vote his party--ever, because they are well aware of the southern strategy that inflames white hatred against any of their gains?

And this is supposedly a "history guy"?)


Killed it so much it's in the majority today, and Nancy Pelosi will probably be Speaker of the House for a long time and do more in that office than he ever did. And will probably never be forced out by her own party--like Gingrich was. Just saying.

Gingrich can eat it.


Ranunculus hispidus said...

Kind of off of the topic, but the "history guy" statement got me thinking (again) about how the Texas Board of Education and Unenlightenment seems to think that Thomas Jefferson's contributions to the country are far outweighed by the fact that he just happened to coin the phrase, "separation of church and state." Their simple solution? Pretend that he doesn't exist and make sure that the history textbooks don't speak about this great blasphemy done unto the lord. History hasn't taught us anything before so why should it now?

It almost seems to me that as technology advances at an exponential rate, so does the level of ignorance, and that to me is every bit as frustrating (if not more so) than the perversion of the facts. In 200 years let's see if we'll learn about how Sam Houston discovered Texas while driving a herd of Jesus ponies towards the Garden of Eden.

Vixen Strangely said...

One of the things technology seems to do is help people coccoon themselves into their own ideological niche--but I think people were also able to do that pre-technology by other self-segregating means. The creation of what I think of as "echo chambers for yokels to practice yodeling in" is what leads to the real wacko diversions from reality--the "birther", "tenther", "Sam Houston-on-an-Apatosaurus" streams of thought.

Newt strikes me as yodeling for recognition from the confederate/states-rights crowd at the moment. (Possibly hoping they echo back in 2012?)

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