Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fighting the Antichrist by...killing cops?

These seem to be some messed-up people.

Via TPM:

The five count indictment, which was unsealed today, charges that between August 2008 and the present, the defendants, David Brian Stone, 45, his wife, Tina Stone, 44, his son, Joshua Matthew Stone, 21, of Clayton, Michigan, and his other son, David Brian Stone, Jr., 19, of Adrian, Michigan, Joshua Clough, 28, of Blissfield, Michigan, Michael Meeks, 40 of Manchester, Michigan, Thomas Piatek, 46, of Whiting, Indiana, Kristopher Sickles, 27, of Sandusky, Ohio, and Jacob Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio, acting as a Lenawee County Michigan militia group called the Hutaree, conspired to oppose by force the authority of the U.S. government. According to the indictment, Hutaree members view local, state, and federal law enforcement as the "brotherhood", their enemy, and have been preparing to engage them in armed conflict.

The indictment further alleges that the Hutaree planned to kill an unidentified member of local law enforcement and then attack the law enforcement officers who gather in Michigan for the funeral. According to the plan, the Hutaree would attack law
enforcement vehicles during the funeral procession with Improvised Explosive Devices
with Explosively Formed Projectiles, which, according to the indictment, constitute
weapons of mass destruction. Subsequently, and in furtherance of this plan, David Brian Stone, the Hutaree's leader, obtained information about such devices over the
internet and emailed diagrams of such devices to a person he believed capable of
manufacturing the devices. He then had his son, Joshua Matthew Stone, and others
gather materials necessary for the manufacturing of such devices.

According to the indictment, in June 2009, David Brian Stone and his other son, David Brian Stone, Jr., taught other Hutaree members how to make and use explosive devices intending or knowing that the information would be used to further a crime of violence. In addition, the grand jury charged all nine defendants with carrying or possessing a firearm during a crime of violence on at least one occasion.

U.S. Attorney McQuade said, "Because the Hutaree had planned a covert reconnaissance operation for April which had the potential of placing an unsuspecting member of the public at risk, the safety of the public and of the law enforcement community demanded intervention at this time."

There is something weird about April and psychopaths, I've got to say. Really no other comment as yet. Some people might think the debate is whether they are terrorists (I would say so), but I think the issue is whether they look to be more of a militarized cult. It's scary stuff.

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