Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I surf--the Internet.

Okay, I admit I love the Internet. I live here. Which is why I loved this article:

11 Firsts in Internet History

Oh, wow.

Because I really like boldly going where only 300 million of my friends have gone before, I typed in "".

There was a C.S. Lewis reference. Which did, in fact, surprise me, because I don't associate C.S. Lewis, who wrote the Narnia Chronicles, which I read when I was a very young girl and enjoyed immensely, with Internet porn. What I got was this.

Or, in case contents shift upon transmitting: has published an article by the local head of a ministry entitled "Resisting - Not Repressing - sexual Desires Leads To Self Knowledge." And to support his thoughts, he evokes the writings of C.S. Lewis of the Narnia series fame. He states that Lewis writes "People often misunderstand what psychology teaches about 'repressions.' It teaches that 'repressed' sex is dangerous . . . But when an adolescent or an adult is engaged in resisting a conscious desire, he is not dealing with a repression . . .On the contrary, those who are seriously attempting chastity are more conscious, and soon know a great deal more about their own sexuality than anyone else. They come to know their desires . . . as a rat-catcher knows rats or a plumber knows about leaky pipes. Virtue - even attempted virtue - brings light; indulgence brings fog." FYI, the author of this article equips the Church on how "to minister the gospel to those impacted by sexual sin and additions."

Which reminds me of my own thought about, say, Ann Coulter as Constitutional scholar; she is a Constitutional scholar in the way that an oncologist studies cancer, to completely eradicate it, someday. To think of one's sexuality as rats or leaky pipes seems to me to be missing quite a bit--

I don't like rats, although they do make tolerable pets; they are definitely loyal, surprisingly clean, and affectionate. But the free-range ones are troubling to find in a public place, that much is true. I also genuinely dislike leaky pipes--water shouldn't be wasted, and plumbing repairs can be costly.

That being said, having explored my own sensorium regarding things sexual--I like it. Sex can carry disease, as rats do, one might say--and yet one can choose one's partners well and use prophylactics. Also, I can't relate sexuality at all to leaky pipes. Perhaps because I am young and somewhat fit, not to mention cosmopolitan, I tend to not relate sexuality with plumbing at all. I tend to relate it more to a beneficial work-out. As in, "I totes did twenty minutes of vigorous horizontal cardio today." So long story short--um, that link doesn't go anywhere.

So, for those who care, actually can be a philosophical site that provides content and not just out of context pron. Yay, internet.

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