Monday, May 11, 2009

The White House Correspondents' Dinner--entertainment.

It's been alleged on the Washington-insider-sodden Sunday chat shows that Wanda Sykes might've gone too far with the idea that Rush Limbaugh, who actually did take tons of drugs to the point of deafening himself, and also did hope that our president failed, and is generally a kind of motor-mouth putz, should have kidney failure.

That is very mean of her. But Limbaugh thrives on mean. It's like the ectoplasmic substance that fuels him. No, it wasn't too far. That which doesn't kill Rush, either makes him stronger or makes other people apologize to him--unless....

Maybe people will realize he's a traitorous and untruth-promoting turd, now, huh? Could happen, since everyone now bothers to Google stuff so that they blog correct and all.

I think she half-killed him. Monday morning--he'll either respond with humility, and be a joke, or accellerate, and reveal his scaly underbelly. His uncompassion. The ugly.

Not tooo far at all.

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Lara Trump Has Caveats

  Color me skeptical these will actually happen. “Lara Trump Insists the Debates Her Father-in-Law Agreed to Are Fixed”