This adorable specimen is a freshly potted 2-year old dwarf Meyer lemon tree. My husband has always wanted a lemon tree. It's really no bigger than our tomato plants. Right now, this is an "inside tree" until things warm up more outside. (We only had it outside briefly for potting and watering--citrus needs aerated soil and lots of drainage, so that pot it's in--think "colander full of perlite and soil".) It eventually will fruit--the Meyer lemon is somewhat sweeter than most, and I think it's pretty nice to have garnishing drinks or dressing lemon chicken....mmmm, lemon chicken. The hubboo simply eats them whole, skin and all. Sometimes he salts them.
I could never do that without a shot of tequila. Or a couple.
Anyway, that brings us to four fruit trees. (Three figs and the lemon.) We have a bonsai and a dwarfy mimosa-looking thing, too (they followed hubboo home, he says).
I just wanted to share the "baby pictures."

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