Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Appropos of whatever--hey neat, an island!

President Hugo Chávez announced in the Fifth Summit of the Americas that Venezuela has given an island owned by Citgo, a US-based subsidiary of Venezuelan state-run Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa), to the US. The island is located in New Jersey, in front of the city of Philadelphia.

CITGO planned to given the island to the US since 2004 to carry out an environmental cleanup of the area and transform the site into a wildlife refuge.

Petty's Island has approximately 392 acres and is in the Delaware River, off the coast of Camden City, (the poorest city in the US).

from El Universal

I could be saying, "wow, this is definitely bigger than a book", and "see what happens when you are nice to people," but mostly, I found this story so interesting because I live in Philadelphia. I've probably been thisclose to the island. So it's kind of local interest for me, too. I don't have anything to add. Just, it's neat.

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