This is a beetle penis, and if you are a girl beetle, that son of a beetle bitch is gonna hurt. This is by way of National Geographic. Leave it to them to give us beetle pron, just the way they've delighted us with so many other images over the years--way to go guys! (I kid. I love National Geographic, especially when they emphasize the "graphic." And I don't think the youngsters these days get it just to fap over pictures of bushpeople. As much. Since the internet, anyway. It's about the education. Finally.)
There was a fellow, um, I thought it was J.B.S. Haldane, and quick Googling proved me right, who supposed that the Creator (if you'd call him that) possessed an inordinate fondness for beetles. Which should allow one to suppose that special attention had to have been paid to the spiky, brutal penis of, well, the particular phylum of insect that so proliferated all over our globe. Also, to be kind of explicit, a creationist needs to realize that their Creator thought long and hard (by our mortal reckoning, certainly) about the bones in dog penises, that sometimes get stuck in, you know.... and the Creator also came up with wasps that propagate in the hollowed-out bodies of other insects, and bot fly larvae, which, um, can really get under your skin.
Check this out:
That's a "designed" nature, to people who want to believe that. Stuff like that is totally on purpose by a purpose-driven omniscient creator. He knew it would be like that. As if. Elephantiasis, leprosy, bubonic plague, cancer, HIV, and anencephaly are all by design. Everything is totally on purpose. Goddidit.
Miscarriages. Hangnails. Mosquito bites. God.
I don't like ID. Can you tell?
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