Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Renaissance Man of the Enlightenment: Benjamin Franklin

A long time ago, when I was just a kitten, I went to Benjamin Franklin Academics Plus Elementary School. I know that was where I developed an appreciation of this Founding Father and all-around genius--who I remember today, because January 17 is technically his birthday--depending upon your calendar, and if you figure people can still have anniversaries once they've shuffled off their mortal coil. But since Mr. Franklin was a truly great character, in addition to being an interesting historical personage, I can not help but celebrate the fellow.

He was a writer known for a pithy turn of phrase and satire, and inventor, and freethinker, a library-and fire-brigade-starter, and guy with ideas, the fellow with the kite who figured out a thing or two about the electrical fluid, and inventor of bifocals, lightning rods, odometers, and Daylight Saving Time.
He was an influence on The Declaration of Independence . He was a diplomat crucial in getting support from France from the fledgling republic. He did all kinds of stuff. In a way, he exemplified the kind of wild genius that could take root in American soil and really blossom in different and surprising ways. So, here's to Ben.

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