Monday, April 26, 2021

Rick Santorum is an Ignorant Bigot

There's not great reason to really pay attention to Rick Santorum, former US Senator from the Commonwealth of PA, but it remains to be said, that if you ever do find yourself paying attention to him, it's probably because he's being an ignorant bigot, because he really, really is.

UPDATE: As a lot of people by now on Twitter have pointed out, by "we" he means "white people" and he's echoing the phrase "birth of a nation", after the 1915 movie also called "The Clansman" which revitalized interest in the KKK. What he's implying, by way of erasure of Native Americans, by erasure of African Americans and other non-white people, is that white people made this country and it's their inheritance. It's very much of a piece with the "blood and soil" language espoused by white supremacists and it is pure historical revisionism, but the political purpose of that language is pretty clear.

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