Thursday, February 18, 2021

Vacation's All He Ever Wanted


You know, it's just who he is, and you'd have to draw him a diagram that went something like: "But if it were a Democrat Senator with an emergency in their state..." before the light fuckin' dawned on him that, yep, it does look bad. I presume he's travelling "no class". But hey, a guy helps incite an insurrection, I guess he feels entitled to a treat.

UPDATE: I better disclaimer this, because Twitter folk advise that the wild Ted siting hasn't been "confirmed-confirmed" and sweatergawd the smugbomb that would go off if this was a case of badly-mistaken identity about how libs have in in for conservatives, etc. would suuuuuuucckkk, so maybe this isn't our boy, but frankly, wherever he is, do you think he's helping? I would think

UPDATE: Fox News has positively confirmed.


M. Bouffant said...

Lead, follow, or get out of the way, as the saying goes. Ted knows which one he's suited for.

Ten Bears said...

Dude needs a bigger mask.

Anonymous said...

Always good to know that through thick and thin, in good times and bad you will find Ted Cruz right there besi ... Well away from danger and discomfort and close to wherever the Mai-Tai's are sweetest.

So sure. Texas is freezing, without lights, and told to boil water with resources they don't have so it makes sense that Ted would be on his way to Cancun. Watching poor people suffer and die is such a downer.

Ashes, Ashes

  There's a Tweet going around about the above two that one knows he's going to hell and the other doesn't, but that isn't i...